Top Scientific Studies Finally Revealed The True Reason Why You're Always Feeling Exhausted

And it has far less to do with how much sleep or how much exercise you do.

A recent discovery published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that people with VERY low energy and poor endurance had a huge deficiency of probiotics and antioxidants in their diets 1.

The food you eat is not properly absorbed and it causes oxidative stress and inflammation which are the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome, body aches, and autoimmune diseases 18.

When your body is inflamed, oxidated, and in pain your energy drops and stays way down… all day. 

Your body switches to preservation mode, and your brain tries to shut down and sleeps all day, leaving no motivation to do the things you truly want to do.

The good news is, there is a way to boost your body’s absorption of nutrients and combat oxidative stress fast… turning your body into an invigorating, energy-producing machine.

It is the same blend of superfood fruits and vegetables that the healthiest, most productive men and women take every day… 

Introducing… INVIGA Superfoods.





INVIGA Superfoods is a premium smoothie mix made of real, organic fruits and veggetables and topped with powerful probiotics to give your body an antii-oxidant boost, dramatically improve nutrients absorbition in your gut and provide you with the energy that you deserve.

Anti-oxidants rich ingredients keep free radicls away and assist in boosting your inmmune response, your recovery and endurance. The probiotics will feed your good bacteria in your gut and promote superfast absorbtion.

Allowing you to feel healthy, motivated and active, all day, every day.

1. Jäger, R., Shields, K. A., Lowery, R. P., De Souza, E. O., Partl, J. M., Holler, J. M., … & Purpura, M. (2016). Probiotic Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 improves protein absorption and utilization. Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins, 8(4), 1-8.

18. Shoham, S., Davenne, D., Cady, E., & Dinarello, C. A. (2021). Antioxidants, oxidative stress, and fatigue. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 17(3), 579-590.Shoham, S., Davenne, D., Cady, E., & Dinarello, C. A. (2021). Antioxidants, oxidative stress, and fatigue. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 17(3), 579-590.

In Every Scoop Of INVIGA Superfoods You'll Find

Chia Seeds

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